Saturday, August 3, 2013

08-03: Walking Away; Mobsters; Leak Epidemic; Steroids; Robin Thicke; Alex Rodriguez; Whitey Bulger Update

The August 3 episode finds the Wise Guys talking about why sometimes it's best to just walk away from an argument. Nicky talks about some people in the Gambino family that had a positive effect on his life. Plus, why can't people keep their mouths shut? Robin Thicke is a stand-up guy, Alex Rodriguez gets shelved, and steroids are big topic.

An incident this week involved one of Al's sons. Al talks about why walking away from a situation can fend off a whole host of problems.

 People like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are praised by some as heroes - nevermind they put the United States at risk for their leaking very confidential, top secret information. Will others follow in their footsteps? Why is it important to keep your mouth shut? The Wise Guys weigh in. 

Singer Robin Thicke's father Alan is a very successful actor and songwriter. But Robin didn't sit back and rest on his laurels. That's why he's this week's Stand-up Person.

 Baseball star Alex Rodriguez seems to think he's above Major League Baseball's performance enhancing drugs investigation. Learn why the Wise Guys put him on the Shelf. And find out why some of the Wise Guys - and listeners are divided on the issue of steroids in sports.

 Whitey Bulger refuses to testify at his racketeering trial. Al and Nicky, though, have plenty to say about the matter.

Music Played During This Episode

"Chooch to Gooch" by Bobby Braciola

 "Santa Lucia" by Angelo De Pippa & The Italian Musica

 "Musetta's Waltz" by Angelo De Pippa & The Italian Musica

 "The Godfather Waltz" by Nino Rota

 "Everyone's Italian On Christmas Eve" by Bobby Braciola

 "Come Back to Sorrento" by Angelo De Pippa & The Italian Musica

 "Ciribiribin" by Anthony De Pippa and The Italian Musica

 Italian Wedding Tarantella

 "Arrivederci Roma" by Dean Martin     

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